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Use product variant images as image swatches in Shopify store

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Select the Display style 

  1. From the app admin page, on the 1st tab, find the option you want to show the style Automated swatch
  2. From Display style of this option, select Automated swatch
  3. Click Save to apply the changes


Upload image for variant

Please upload a photo for each variant of the product
Because Automated variant image swatch will take variant image on the Shopify product admin page to show for swatch automatically


Here is the result you will see

To Customize the Swatch style for your reference https://globo.io/kb/custom-the-swatch-style-without-price

Note: this function is limited in the Free plan, for your reference https://globo.io/kb/what-difference-of-the-plans-free-and-silver-and-gold

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