Globo is the company specializing in website design and development in Vietnam.
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Other Globo apps

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1. G:Request a Quote + Hide Price

App URL: https://apps.shopify.com/request-for-quote

Steps to manage

  1. From your Shopify admin panel, go to the Theme folder.
  2. In the Action dropdown, click Edit code.
  3. Go to the globo.filter.product.liquid file.
  4. Add the following code to the first code line.
    {% comment %}Do not edit this file{% endcomment %}
  5. Add the below snippet to a suitable place on this file – screenshot for your reference.
    <scripttag data-id="{{product.id}}" id="rfq-collection-script-{{product.id}}" class="rfq-collection-script">
    var GRFQCollection = GRFQCollection || {};
    GRFQCollection[{{product.id}}] = {{ product | json }};
    GRFQCollection[{{product.id}}]['collection'] = [];
    {% for collection in product.collections %}
    GRFQCollection[{{product.id}}]["collection"].push('{{ collection.id }}');
    {% endfor %} 
  6. Go to the theme.liquid file.
  7. Add the following code below the {% include ‘rfq_script’ %}screenshot for your reference.
    window.addEventListener('globoFilterRenderCompleted', function () {
    if(typeof GRFQApp != "undefined"){

2. Globo Color Swatch

App URL: https://apps.shopify.com/globo-color-swatches

Please reach out to us at [email protected] to integrate 2 apps to work together.

3. Globo Product Options

App URL: https://apps.shopify.com/product-options-pro

Our app is being integrated with the G‑Variants: Product Options app automatically.

Steps to manage

  1. From the App’s top navigation bar, click on the Integration under the More topic.
  2. Tick on the below option under G‑Variants: Product Options app.
  3. Click Save to finish.




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