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Limit local delivery dates in specific time period

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Future days are the maximum number of days in the future that your customers can select Local Delivery date.


  1. In the app left sidebar, click on Settings
  2. In the General box, select the Local Delivery option.
  3. Scroll down to the Date picker section.
  4. In the Lag time field, enter the number of lag time days you want to set.
  5. In the Future Days field, enter the number of future days you want to set.
  6. Click Save to finish.

Set up future days without lag time

Assuming that you are selling bread and the expiration date of this product line is 7 days. Therefore, you just want to allow your customers to select the Local Delivery date within 7 days, please refer to the following guide.

If today is May 14th, future days will start from tomorrow (May 15th). Your customers will be able to select the Local Delivery date today and in the preset future days.


Set up future days with lag time

If you set lag time, (for example, 3 days), the lag time will start from today. Therefore, the lag days are from May 14th to May 16th. Thus, the actual future days will be from May 17th to May 21th.


Therefore, you can set up lag time = 3 days and Future days = 9 days to allow your customers to select Local Delivery date in 7 future days after the 3 lag days.



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