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Custom color & design

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This app allows you to change the position of active delivery method blocks in a line as well as set up colors for the delivery method blocks.

Change order of delivery methods


  1. In the app left sidebar, click on Settings
  2. In the Advanced section, click the Design button.
  3. In the Sort order box under the Widget section, drag and drop to change the method order.
  4. Click Save to finish.

Add custom texts


  1. In the app left sidebar, click on Settings
  2. In the Advanced section, click the Design button.
  3. Under the Widget section, scroll down to the Title box.
  4. In the Text widget header field, enter the widget header title. This text will appear as the header of the app widget on the cart page.
  5. In the Text warning checkout field, enter the warning text. This text will appear above the Checkout button on the cart page.
  6. Click Save to finish.

Adjust colors


  1. In the app left sidebar, click on Settings
  2. In the Advanced section, click the Design button.
  3. Scroll down to the Color section.
  4. In each field, click on the color picker to choose a color value for each element.
  5. Click Save to finish.

Tutorial video

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