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Why I receive no email notification when customers submit a form?

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If you do not receive email notifications when your customers submit a form, please follow the steps below

  1. Please check if your email server blocks this email [email protected]. If it does not, please move to the second step.
  2. Contact and provide us your admin email so we can check whether your email is in the suppression list. If yes, we will support to remove your email from the list It will take you 1-2 hours to receive the email notifications from the moment we conduct this task
  3. In case your email is not in the suppression list but you still cannot receive email notifications, we recommend switching to use another popular email service suppliers such as Outlook, Gmail, etc. Due to the fact that your email notifications are still sent successfully in this case, but your email server sorts out and blocks those email notifications


Please get in touch with us for urgent needs via this email address [email protected]

We are always on standby to offer the assistance to all of your cases.

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