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Translate option values to multiple languages

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Enable multiple languages for your Shopify store

Steps to manage

  1. In your Store Settings > Click Add language button.
  2. Choose a new language.
  3. Click the Publish button.

Configure multiple languages for option values

Steps to manage

  1. From the app’s left navigation, click Option Sets.
  2. Click on the option set to set multi-language for this set.
  3. Switch to the language you want on the right corner of the option set.
  4. Enter the text in the desired language.
  5. Click Save to finish.
  6. Check the Result on the frontend page.
    – English language:

    – French language:

Important Notice:

This feature is only available for these app’s functions below

  • Option Label, Placeholder, Help text, Swatch Label.
  • Option Values and Help text of these option values:
  • “Content” of static elements such as heading, paragraph, and HTML.
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