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Submenu Settings

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There are 4 main types of Submenu: Dropdown menu, Mega menu, Tabs & Special menu.
Click the + Add Submenu button and choose among the 4 types

Click the pencil button to edit a parent item and manage the submenu settings

Dropdown submenu setting

When selecting the dropdown template, your menu displays as a normal tree menu


If your dropdown menu has more than 1 level, it will show the next submenu level on right/left.
You can change the Type and Width + Alignment of submenu in the Edit item panel of the top menu item.

Megamenu submenu setting

When selecting the mega menu template, your menu exposes all submenu levels of it:

To change the wideness of Mega menu, click on the pencil icon to edit the top menu → scroll down and find the Submenu in the Edit item panel

Full width (recommend): the width of the menu box will be equal to the width of your top menu bar (which is based on your old menu’s width).
Center width: menu box will be aligned center to the width of the parent item. You can adjust the width by setting a number in “Width” option.
Left width: menu box will be aligned left to the width of the parent item. You can adjust the width by setting a number in “Width” option.
Right width: menu box will be aligned right to the width of the parent item. You can adjust the width by setting a number in “Width” option.

Tabbed submenu setting

When selecting the tabs template, your menu exposes all tabs of it:

To change the wideness of the Tabbed submenu, do the same above steps as in the Megamenu submenu setting

Note: The Tabbed template is only available in the Professional plan.

For reference: https://globosoftware.net/kb/what-is-the-difference-among-free-premium-and-professional-plans/

Special menu submenu setting

When selecting the Special menu template, you will have a neat side menu.

It slides the next section out that has more detail when clicking the parent menu item and does not cover the home page too much

Note: Feel free to take a look at this detailed article https://globosoftware.net/kb/create-and-manage-a-submenu/

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