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Sticky Cart

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In order to configure the sticky cart, you click on “Sticky Cart” on the left sidebar:

Settings for this sticky cart include:

  • Enable on desktop: Admin ticks on this checkbox to turn on the sticky cart on desktop, and vice verse.
  • Enable on mobile: Admin ticks on this checkbox to turn on the sticky cart on mobile, and vice verse.
  • Overall:
    + Action: Admin selects an action when customers click on the sticky cart. This app provides 2 actions:
    – Go to Cart: Users will be directed to the cart page when clicking on the sticky cart.
    – Go to checkout: Users will be directed to the checkout page when clicking on the sticky cart.
    + Other settings: Admin can change the sticky cart size and color.
  • Position: Admin set the position of the sticky cart in the px unit. Note: He can change its position by using a mouse to drag it to the expected place.
  • Icon: Admin can select icon, size, and color of the sticky cart.
  • Cart count: Admin can set the cart count size, font size, and color. Besides, he can turn on/off this cart count by ticking/unticking the “Enable” option.
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