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Show quote widget on your front store

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This feature allows you to show a quote widget on your front store so that customers can easily access the quote item they are interested in.

Steps to manage

  1. From app admin page, click Settings > Quote settings > Quote widget
  2. Tick on Enable quote widget checkbox
  3. Enter the label of quote widget. Quotes ({numOfItem}). ({numOfItem}) is the number of items added to quote. For example: If customer has added 4 items to quote, the widget will show Quotes (4)
  4. Select Action after customers click on quote widget: Go to quote page or Open quote popup
  5. Select Position you want to place the quote widget on the front store
  6. Edit the Text color and Background color of the widget
  7. After that, check the result on the front store


If the widget doesn’t work for you, please don’t show any hesitation to contact us promptly via the email address [email protected]

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