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Limitation for 40 emails per month in Free plan

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What is limitation for 40 emails per month? 

After the form is submitted, there will be emails sent to admin email and customer email address. You can set it up here.

From the days of establishment, our Form Builder app has been serving the needs of general store owners who want to create their own specialized forms.

We also want to retain this free option with a long-lasting purpose to bring a more remarkable experience for users.

However, till this period of time, owing to the restriction in the technological resources,  especially in the number of monthly sent emails,  we have to set a limitation at the maximum of 40 emails per month to admin and to customers who submit the form in the Free plan.

  • After this limit is reached, there will be no email sent to admin email and customer email after the form is submitted.
  • This limit will be reset on the 1st day of the month.

Note: We will send notification emails when your store is reaching the limitation of 40 emails per month




If you do encounter any difficulty while proceeding these steps, don’t show any hesitation to contact us promptly via the email address [email protected]

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