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Preview the menu on live theme

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In order to take a view of mega menu before publishing in the live theme, you can publish the menu on a duplicated theme to preview and check the result first

Duplicate live theme
  1. From Shopify admin page, click ” Online store
  2. Click ” Themes
  3. Click” Actions
  4. Select ” Duplicate
Publish Globo mega menu on the Duplicated theme
  1. From admin site of the app, click ” Publish
  2. Select the theme that you want to publish the menu on
  3. Click” Publish
  4. Check out the menu layout in the duplicated theme



If you do encounter any difficulty while proceeding these steps, don’t show any hesitation to contact us promptly via the email address. hg

[email protected] 

We are always willing to help with all sincerity

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