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Display a form on Homepage

Estimated reading time: 1 min

To show the form on the front store, firstly please make sure that the app embeds is activated on your theme. Learn more about  Activate app embeds on your theme

Step to manage

In the G:Form Builder – Contact Form app: 

1. Open the app > click Forms > open a form you want

2. Click Publish button on the right corner

3. In Which page type you want to display, select Homepage

4.vCopy the short code of the form

Click Add form button > it directs you to theme editor

Another way:

In the Theme editor 

1. From Shopify admin page > click Online store > Themes > click Customize button of the theme you want > open Hompage template

2. On the left side, click Add section > select Globo From Builder app

3. Paste the form code (embedded code) to the content of app block

4. You can drag and drop to change the position of the app block (the form) on the Homepage

5. Click Save to update the Theme editor

Go to front store to check the form on Homepage.


Tutorial video




If you do encounter any difficulty while proceeding these steps, don’t show any hesitation to contact us promptly via the email address [email protected]

We are always willing to help with all sincerity!

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