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Hide add-on products from SEO and from the Shopify frontend search with metafield

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As you know, our app provides an add-on function to increase the main product price when choosing a specific option value – of course – these add-on products are not for sale.

In this guideline, we will help you to hide these add-on items from:

  • SEO
  • Shopify predictive search
  • Shopify search page

There have two main steps to achieve that:

  • Step 1: Create a custom definition
  • Step 2: Bulk add metafield to add on products

Create a custom definition

Steps to manage

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Custom data.
  2. Select Product
  3. Click Add Definition.
  4. In the Name field, enter a name for your definition, and then select the name that you entered from the list. For example, “SEO Hidden”.
  5. In the Namespace and key field, edit the default identifier for your metafield. For example, “seo.hidden”.
  6. In the Access option, select Storefronts.
  7. Click Select type, and then select “Integer”.
  8. Click Save to finish.




Bulk add metafield to add on products

Steps to manage

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products – or go to https://admin.shopify.com/store/example_store/products?selectedView=all&tag=globo-product-options
  2. Select all add-on products in the list.
  3. Click Bulk edit.
  4. Click Columns
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the Metafields group, and select SEO Hidden.
  6. In the SEO Hidden column, enter the “1” value for each Add-on product.
  7. Click Save to finish.


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