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Customize the design of ” Back-in-stock” and Subscribe button

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Back-in-stock button
  1. From the admin page of the app, click on “Settings” tab in ” Back in stock” feature
  2. Click “ Popup and form
  3. Select the display type of Back-in-stock function on the collection page ( Show button and pop-up, show form and hidden)
Subscribe button
  1. From the admin page of the app, click on ” Settings” tab in “Back in stock” feature
  2. Click ” Popup and form
  3. Select the font size of Subcribe button
  4. Edit the text color, hover text color, background color,…
“Email when available” button
  1. From the admin page of the app, click on “Settings” tab in “Back in stock” feature
  2. Click ” Popup and form
  3. Select the font size of “Email when available button” 
  4. Edit the text color, hover text color, background color, border color,.



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