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Customize product list template

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In order to customize the app files, you must enable the below option in the app settings:




– JS and CSS files: Use this comment code: /* Do not edit this file */
– Liquid files: Use this comment code: {% comment %} Do not edit this file {% endcomment %}


  1. In the Shopify admin panel, go to the Online Store > Themes.
  2. In the theme you want to edit, click Edit code.
  3. Open the globo.filter.product.liquid file to edit.


  • Add the code {% comment %}Do not edit this file{% endcomment %} comment to the first line of the file so that the app will not override this change in the future. It means that when you change settings in the App >Product Grid Layout, the layout will no longer be updated.
  • Each time the general settings and Product Grid Layout settings are changed, the App will overwrite template files to update the latest settings. If a file contains the Do not edit this file text, the app will ignore to update this file.

  • Edit file using product object only, including the following attributes:
    • product.available
    • product.collections
    • product.compare_at_price
    • product.description
    • product.featured_image
    • product.first_available_variant
    • product.handle
    • product.id
    • product.images
    • product.options
    • product.price
    • product.price_max
    • product.price_min
    • product.price_varies
    • product.tags
    • product.template_suffix
    • product.title
    • product.product_type
    • product.url
    • product.variants
    • product.vendor
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