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Custom search result on Instant Search Widget

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The instant search dropdown widget contains these below data:

  • Keyword suggestions
  • Product suggestions
  • Collection suggestions

Keyword suggestion


  1. From the app’s dashboard, click on the Settings under the Search topic.
  2. Scroll to the Search dropdown part.
  3. In the Keyword suggestion section, tick on the Enable checkbox to turn on this feature.
  4. In the Limits the number of keywords field, enter the limitation for the number of keywords if you need it.
Product suggestion


  1. From the app’s dashboard, click on the Settings under the Search topic.
  2. Scroll to the Search dropdown part.
  3. In the Product suggestion section, tick on the Enable checkbox to turn on this feature.
  4. In the Limits the number of products field, enter the limitation for displaying the number of result products if you need it.
  5. Tick on the Show Product vendor checkbox if you want to showcase the product vendor name in the result products.
  6. Tick on the Show Product type checkbox if you want to show up the product type information in the result products.
  7. Tick on the Show Product SKU checkbox if you want to display the product SKU value in the result products.
  8. Tick on the Show Product price checkbox if you want to show up the product price in the result products.
  9. In the Layout part, select a suitable layout for the list of suggested products: List/Grid/Carousel.
Collection suggestion


  1. From the app’s dashboard, click on the Settings under the Search topic.
  2. Scroll to the Search dropdown part.
  3. In the Collection suggestion section, tick on the Enable checkbox to turn on this feature.
  4. In the Limits the number of collections field, enter the limitation for the number of result collections if you need it.


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