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Create upsell offer

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We provide the upsell offers in two places:

  • On the Cart page:

  • On the Thank you page (after customers place an order).

Steps to manage

  1. From the app’s left navigation bar, click Upsell Offers.
  2. Click Add Offer.
  3. In the Choose offer type field, select In cart option or Thank you page option.
  4. Select products to display this upsell widget in the Choose target products field. Click here to learn more.
  5. Select offer products in the Choose recommended products field. Click here to learn more.
  6. In the Offer’s Discount field, ticket on the Enable checkbox to enable this discount function and vice versa. Click here to learn more.
  7. In the Customize field, customize this widget (optional).
  8. Click Save to finish.

NOTE: In order to show up the widget offer on the Thank you page, please copy this below code, and paste it to Settings > Checkout > Order processing: Additional scripts

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