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Create option set

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Our Product options app supports four types of product options which include:

  • Single input type: Text, Text area, Number, Datetime, File, Switch.
  • Choice list type: Dropdown, Checkboxes, Radio buttons.
  • Swatch type: Buttons, Color swatches, Image swatches.
  • Static text type: Paragraph, Heading, Divider, Popup-Modal.

Steps to manage

  1. From Option sets, click Add a new option set.
  2. In the Elements tab, click Add element

  3. In the list of elements, choose the element you want to add to your option set. In the below example, I choose “Text area” element.

    –> Result:
  4. Configure each option in the option set. (see articles: Options Configuration).
  5. Go to the Products tab, and choose products to apply this new option set (See this article: Choose products to apply option set).
  6. Click Save to finish.

If you do encounter any difficulty while creating a new option set, don’t show any hesitation to contact us promptly via the email address [email protected]

We are always willing to help with all sincerity!

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