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Create Shopify customer account after quote submit

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After the quote is submitted, a customer account will be automatically created in Customers of your Shopify store.

Steps to manage

  1. In the app admin page > Settings > General 
  2. In the General setting > scroll down to Create customer account after submit > select Yes to enable the feature
  3. Click Save to update the changes.
  4. Still in the Settings tab, move to Third Party Integration > Shopify 
  5. In Shopify session, map Shopify Customer’s properties to RFQ form fields
  6. Click Save

  • Currently only 3 fields below can be automatically added to Customer detail: Email, First name, and Last name.
  • The other data from other fields of RFQ form will be added to the Note field of Customer detail.

Here is the Quote detail in the app:

And here is an example of a customer account created after the quote submission:



In the Note fields of Customer detail, you can view the data from RFQ form.


If you do encounter any difficulty while proceeding these steps, don’t show any hesitation to contact us promptly via the email address [email protected]

We are always willing to help with all sincerity!

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