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Create conditional logic options

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This app allows you to create rules to dynamically show or hide any product options based on the value of other options.

Note: This feature is available for options that are placed in the second position or higher. 

Creating conditional logic options

Steps to manage

  1. In option set, choose an option to apply this feature.
  2. In the option configuration sidebar, tick on the Conditional Logic Options checkbox.
  3. Add conditions to show/hide this field:
  • Show: When the logic condition is satisfied, the current element is displayed, otherwise, it is hidden.
  • Hide: When the logic condition is satisfied, the current element is hidden, otherwise, it is displayed.
  • All: Show this field only if matching ALL conditions configured below.
  • Any: Show this field if matching one of the list conditions configured below.


Tutorial videos

This is an example to use the conditional logic options function for your reference:

Which are conditional logic options offered?

You can select from the following options to control how a product option needs to match the condition value that you enter.


is equal toThe option value needs to match exactly the whole value you enter.
is not equal toThe option value can’t match the value you enter.
starts withThe beginning of the option values matches the value you enter.
ends withThe end of the option values matches the value you enter.
containsThe option value contains the value you enter.
does not containThe option value doesn’t contain the value you enter.
is greater thanThe option value is greater than the value you enter.
is less than The option value is less than the value you enter.
has fileThe File element is uploaded file
no fileThe File element hasn’t yet uploaded the file

What is the value?

Below are three kinds of values that must be used for conditional logic options.

  1. Text/Textarea/Number/Datetime: the value is an input field, you must enter a specific value there. If the previous option element matches the entered value exactly, the current conditional field will appear.

  • File/Switch elements: There will be two options to select from: has file/no file or switch is enabled/disabled.

  • Select/Checkbox/Radio Button/Button/Color Swatch/Image Swatch: the value must be from the Globo option values you created previously.


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