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Connect Globo Form Buildder app to Google

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Google provides you many amazing tools to stay organized, and to operate more efficiently and effectively. For example: Google calendar or Google sheets,…

It will help you keep track of anything and analyze your data. That’s why we suggest you connect the form to your Google account. To achieve this, please follow simple steps below.

Connect Globo Form Buildder app to Google

Step to manage 

1. Open the app > click > Settings >Third party integration

2. Hover Calendar/Google Sheets > click Config > click Sign in with Google

3. Enter your Google account and accept the required permissions

4. Click Save

Sync the form data to Google

After connecting the app with your Google account, you can sync the form data to your Google sheets or calendar.
Please view the article below to learn more.

1) Google Sheets

2) Google Calendar 


If you do encounter any difficulty while proceeding these steps, don’t show any hesitation to contact us promptly via the email address [email protected]

We are always willing to help with all sincerity!


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