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How do I know the page that customer has submitted a form?

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Estimated reading time: < 1 min
  • Open the app > access to ” Submissions” in the left navigation
  • Select the record/submission that you want to see the details and then a popup window with details will appear
  • Each record will show the following information:

– Form: The form customer has submitted

– Page: The page that the customer has accessed and seen the form

– All the field the customer has filled in: Name, Email, Address, Message,…

Note: You always can see the form and the page that the user has submitted but the account is not always available only when the user has logged in


If the submissions tab doesn’t work for you, please get in touch with us for urgent needs via this email address [email protected]

We are always on standby to offer the assistance to all of your cases.

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