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Enable only store pickup method for specific products

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If there are some special products that don’t want to provide the Local Delivery and Shipping methods, you can enable the Store Pickup option only.

Steps to manage

  1. In the app left sidebar, click on Settings
  2. In the General box, select the Store pickup option.
  3. In the Store pickup section, enable the mandatory pickup by product tag feature.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Go back to Shopify admin.
  6. Add the in-store-pickup-only tag to products that you want to have only the Store pickup method applied.


Here is the result:



  • Products including the in-store-pickup-only tag have only the Store pickup method enabled, and other methods will be disabled.
  • If there are 2 products (A, B) in the cart, Product A has the in-store-pickup-only tag and Product B has the local-delivery-only tag. The app will display both “Local delivery” and “Store Pickup” methods.
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